In early 2021 SCI Fire Protection secured a phased programme passive fire improvement contract via competitive tender for the NHS Trust working within University Hospital Southampton. Works included the completion of all compartmentation remedial actions across a multitude of property archetypes comprising of live wards, communal areas and theatres focusing upon penetration sealing, cavity barriers and general passive fire protection upgrade works. The project which is estimated at a total contract order value of 1.9million will progressively release works in accordance with client budgetary forecasts.
Like many hospitals, university hospital Southampton has seen a multitude of changes and alterations to both its core and adjacent buildings, with various refurbishments and additions to the hospital and the new reform of the fire safety order, the Trust consulted TopScan to perform intrusive surveys to identify non compliance issues across all levels. From this SCI Fire were able to form a plan to perform all the required remedial actions to an accredited standard. From minor actions to complete replacement compartmentation, we managed each item in accordance with our manufacturers specifications to provide the highest possible standard of protection.
We developed a Quality Project Plan in accordance with our internal QMS and strict guidelines of our third-party accreditation scheme bringing together excellent project management, mobilisation, pre, during and post construction stages, ensuring all resources were in place to close out all high priority items identified within the TopScan reports in considerably less time than client expectations, following on from this we progressed though various areas to progressively complete medium risk identified issues. We provide a fully trained team of experienced supervisors/trade operatives supporting the FIRAS drive for excellent technical competence across the University Hospital Southampton project.
We provide the NHS Trust with performance information including handover documentation via a Shared File transfer identifying target completions achieved. On account of excellent performance combined with high customer satisfaction rates and having capacity to deliver. We regularly receive positive feedback on both our management and technicians working on site and are proud of the representation of the SCI Fire Protection brand. This is currently a live project and progressive phasing plans to complete client requirements in line with their budgetary forecasts.
Having built up a professional respectable relationship within the trust over the duration of the main contract based on our performance, the trust awarded further Fire Protection works which now includes SCI Fire to provide additional services for fire protection works including the installation of fire dampers and fire rated door sets.